There are many definitions for the work that we do. Web designers, web design company, web developers, website designers, UI/UX designers, app / game developers, marketing strategists, SEO experts and a lot of other trendy definitions in today’s modern world of social media madness. The truth is that we are a multi-disciplinary IT company with many years of IT experience in general. We deliver high quality and functionality products such as websites, web stores, web platforms, apps and games. Our range of skills goes from the ones necessary for front-end deployment to the more complex ones such as programming in a multitude of languages and using a wide array of software needed to do the job.

Sonja Skala & Sabin Trupsor

Founders of the SS Web Company


We started this IT company in December 2019. Since then, we have built more websites that some of our competitors complete in several year. Both of us are very proud on work that we did so far and our relationship with all previous customers.

The main focus of SS web company is website design.

Our company also engages in digital marketing campaigns using social media platforms in order to connect you with your target audience and help build your brand, increase your sales, and drive your website traffic.

We are fluent in English, Spanish, Romanian and Serbian languages.

SS web company works remotely for a select client base, helping them to increase their sales and attract more customers.




When it comes to design, quality is everything. But, a quality website design is much more than aesthetic. It’s the usability. The expandability. The flexibility. The longevity. The creativity. We believe that a great website requires clean, responsive code, user friendly navigation search engine optimized page content and beautiful designs.+meeting deadlines



Passion is essential to any business owner or working professional’s success. We love what we do and we are extremely dedicated to our businesses. Because of our passion for our ideas, we are willing to put in the long hours and hard work required to launch a successful PROJECT.



Whether it’s website or graphic design, system development or custom programming we like to keep everything under one roof to make it easier for our customers. We are always thinking of new ideas and better ways of doing things. We think outside the box and are always looking for opportunities to come up with new solutions. +Attention to details

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We begin each web development project by gaining a solid understanding of who you are, what you do and why you do it. This helps us create strategic web design solutions that communicate the right messages and express your unique brand identity. We collaborate with our clients – Good design doesn’t come in a flash of inspiration. It’s a collaborative process of discovery that takes patience, experience, and communication. We involve our clients every step of the way, incorporating feedback at each stage until the design is finalized.


our Most
valuable Clients Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of theprinting and typesetting it has the randomised words Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit Suspendisse et justo Praesent mattis commodo augue Aliquam ornare.